I am very new to the "Fluff", and living on one income did not allow me to spend a lot on my diapers. So I did some research, and found out that you can (no kidding) buy one size pocket diapers on EBAY for $.99 with free shipping. I knew there had to be a catch somewhere, well first off the diapers took 3 weeks to get here, because they were shipped from Japan. That's okay though I ordered them way before little man got here, and when they did finally arrive I was pleasantly surprised to find that they came with not one but two microfiber inserts which was a plus in my book. So now all I had to do was wait. Little man was 7lbs 13oz. when he made his arrival VIA C-Section.
No, I did not bring the diapers to the hospital with me, but I could not wait to try them out as soon as I got him home! I found out real quick that the one size does not really mean they will fit a newborn, so I put them up and used sposies for a little while until he put on a little bit of weight. So when he turned 4 months old I pulled them back out and went for another round (he is 14 lbs at this point). They are GREAT no leaks, and they fit him really well adjusted down to the smallest size. I currently have only six that I use on a daily wash rotation, and I have been using them like this for a month. They have stood up really well to washing, despite the microfibers having little fluff balls coming off of them. I have 3 GoGreen Pocket Diapers also, and other than not having two rows of snaps I can not really see much of a difference in the two.
I would love to support WAHM's, but my pocket book just does not allow me to at this time. My next post will be about the mistakes I made washing my diapers at first, so please follow. There will be lots more to come.
The others are the cheap EBAY diapers the tag on the say's Sunny Baby.
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