After a few weeks of picking shriveled disposable wipes off my microfiber inserts, I decided to cave and purchase a few cloth wipes to try out. First I checked EBAY, figured I could get cheap diapers there why not wipes too. Nope not happening the ones that I looked at one SINGLE wipe would have been more than a diaper. Despite never using ETSY, I was hoping that I could find a deal over there, and I did. While searching around trying to find the most bang for my buck I stumbled upon MamaBearBabyWear, and I was happy to find sets of 13 for $5.00. I bought two sets, and am very pleased with them, and I am sure I will be getting many more from her in the future. Amy the owner of the shop recently lost her husband, and her sewing allows her to continue to stay home with her children. She also sells Cloth diapers, slings, and many other handmade products. Her shipping is super fast, I had my wipes 2 1/2 days after placing my order!
As soon as the package came I ripped it opened ready to dive deeper into the cloth diaper venture. The wipes are double layered, and made out of receiving blankets, and other scraps of fabric that Amy had left over from making her other products. They are actually perfect size to fit in a disposable wipes container, however I wanted my wiped to pop up right out of the box, so I accordian folded them to achieve this.
One of the first things that I did was go online to look up how I could make my own solution for these.Everywhere I looked called for oils, tea tree etc...So I figured I would just use what I had on hand until I could get to the store. My solution consisted of 2 cups of water, 3 pumps of Johnson's natural head to toe baby wash, and 1 tbs of pure vegetable oil, I just pour it over my stack of wipes on all sides. I'm sure I will just stick with what works for now. My husband was even happy with the wipes, and how one wipe went a lot further than the disposable ones. Cloth wipes are a great addition to cloth diapering, and I really wish I would have started them sooner.

I am interested to learn about your xp with the cloth wipes and the non-folding cloth diapers. you are the only one I know who has moved to cloth-wipes too. How many do you go through? are they heavier to carry, what is the wash rotation like?
ReplyDeleteI would say on average I go through around 10-13 wipes a day, and I go through around 7 diapers. I was the wipes and the diapers in the same load (I do this every night), and hang them out to line dry first thing in the morning. I just ordered 10 more diapers, and they should get here in about 2 weeks. I am hoping to be able to wash every other day at this point.